Here we review several broad policy tools for accelerating clean energy deployment, improving efficiency, and phasing out pollution and emissions. Research and development as a clean energy deployment mechanism is discussed in more detail elsewhere.
We estimate the following average values of building new power plants. We recommend the construction of solar PV plants, followed by onshore wind power, where feasible. Details are in our assessments of individual energy production technologies.
The benefits of new plants include possibly cheaper electricity, reduction of greenhouse gases and other pollution, and the cost reduction of similar future technology through learning-by-doing. No learning-by-doing effect for nuclear power was identified in the literature; hence the cost/benefit ratio of that technology is rather poor.
We emphasize that the values above are averages, and particular values for a given project vary considerably.
The world invested nearly two trillion dollars in energy projects in 2018 as follows.
Investment trends point to ongoing advancement of renewable energy in the power sector, but little progress in transportation or industry. The International Energy Agency 1 projects that world investment in low-carbon energy must nearly double by the late 2020s to meet their Sustainable Development Scenario, which is compatible with two degrees Celsius of global warming.
Economists generally believe that a broad carbon price should be a central component of reducing emissions 2. Following are some estimated costs of reducing emissions by several other policy tools, which may function as alternatives or supplements to carbon pricing.
Several lines of evidence suggest that it takes about 20 years--sometimes much less and sometimes much more--for an idea to progress from scientific research to commercial technology 4, 5, 6, 7.
Companies commercializing new technologies often face a "valley of death", whereby they have demonstrated technically a potentially viable technology but are unable successfully commercialize the product 8. This is often caused by the fact that more money is available for companies conducting research and development and for companies with commercial products than for companies that are working to bring products to market 9. This challenge is exacerbated by the fact that incumbent technologies face a sunk cost advantage with their capital deployment 10.
International agreements, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement, can help reduce emissions, but only if followed by additional policy tools. Evidence from the Kyoto Protocol is weak but suggests that it has resulted in modest emissions reductions.
These values may be offset by the self-selection problem--that countries may have adopted targets that they would have achieved anyway 12--or the phenomenon of "exporting emissions", or importing emissions-intensive products from countries without climate change targets 11.
Nascimento, Kuramochi, and Höhne 14 find that among G20 countries, projected greenhouse gas emissions for 2030, as of 2021, were 15% lower than projected emissions for 2030 as of 2015, when the Paris Agreement was ratified. An estimated quarter of this reduction can be explained by the economic disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, and of the remaining reduction, it is unclear how much is due to policies that were enacted as a result of Paris commitments, and how much is due to other factors.
International Energy Agency. "World Energy Investment 2019". May 2019. ↩ ↩2
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