Here we review the causes and effects of climate change, as well as adaptation as a response. See our broader energy discussion of solutions for emissions reductions and our discussion of geoengineering approaches.
Industrial activity has emitted about 2200 billion tons (Gt) of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. Meeting internationally agreed goals of 2 °C or 1.5 °C of global warming over preindustrial levels would require that no more than 1500 or 580 Gt additional CO2 respectively, which would require a sharp reversal of the trend of growing emissions 1.
By sector, world greenhouse gas emissions are as follows as of 2016.
Following are overall greenhouse gas emissions from human activity.
Addressing the major sources of emissions requires replacing most of the world's current energy production with low carbon sources; reforming agriculture to reduce CO2 emissions from land use, methane from enteric fermentation, and nitrous oxide emissions; preventing the release of methane from decomposing organic matter in landfills, and phasing out the use of F-gases in refrigeration and air conditioning 8.
As of 2020, the world has warmed about a degree Celcius from the 1850-1900 average.
Emissions from human activity are responsible for most of the warming. Aside from warmer temperatures, consequences of climate change include glacial retreat, sea level rise, likely increase heat waves and droughts, and possibly increased wildfires and flooding 9.
A 2021 study estimates that climate change will be responsible for 83 million deaths from 2020 to 2100 under the baseline scenario. This translates to one death for every 4,434 tons of CO2, or the lifetime emissions of 3.5 Americans, an a carbon cost of $37-258 from only mortality 10. An estimated 37% of heat-related deaths, or about 60,000 of the 166 thousand total deaths, have been attributed to climate change 11.
The International Panel on Climate Change has identified four future scenarios, based on how much global warming occurs. A brief summary of their impacts is as follows.
The most likely scenario, based on current trends, is between RCP4.5 and RCP6. RCP8.5 is an unlikely worst case scenario and should not be presented as "business as usual" 18.
Under current policies, total warming should be around 3 °C, though with considerable uncertainty.
The World Health Organization estimates that climate change will be responsible for about 250,000 deaths per year in 2030.
Climate change is also expected to cause deaths through coastal flooding and storms, but precise estimates of the number of deaths are lacking 20.
There are a number of potentially catastrophic outcomes from climate change whose likelihoods are unknown, including collapse of the West Antarctica Ice Sheet 21, release of large quantities of methane from the Arctic permafrost 22 or submerged methane hydrates 23, induced seismic events 24, and risks that are themselves unknown 25. The presence of unknown "fat tail" risks justifies a stronger response to climate change than consideration of only median or expected outcomes 26.
Over thousands of years, the oceans will absorb most excess carbon emissions; see our work on ocean acidification for more on this topic. In the short term, carbon emissions travel as follows.
A main effect of soil uptake of CO2 is fertilization of plant growth. Based on satellite data, world vegetation growth may have increased 1.3-4.3% from 1982 to 2011, mostly as a result of CO2 fertilization. The following crop yield increases have been observed.
According to the International Panel on Climate Change 29, the coming decades should, as a result of climate change, see an increase in heat waves. However, the IPCC places low confidence in the rise of other kinds of natural disasters, including floods, tropical storms, and droughts.
Despite the IPCC's lack of clear observed evidence, it is suspected that warmer ocean surface temperatures may cause more intense but fewer tropical cyclones 30. Pausas and Keeley 31 assess weather patterns arising from climate change to be one of several risk factors behind wildfires, and while the prevalence of fire weather may increase in coming decades, there has not been a global trend toward increased wildfire in the recent past 32. Some modeling 33 suggests that under climate change, world precipitation will be more variable, which may increase the prevalence of both droughts and floods.
Most near-surface carbon is stored in the oceans.
Climate adaptation refers to efforts intended to reduce harms from climate change, as opposed to mitigation, which is intended to reduce climate change itself. Worldwide, adaptation spending is a fraction of mitigation spending.
The Global Commission on Adaptation has found $1.8 trillion of adaptation projects expected to have net benefits 36.
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