Ocean Energy

Ocean power, or marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) power, refers to a form of power generation that harnesses the kinetic energy of water, excluding hydropower.

We recommend a research and development program into wave energy, but not tidal energy or OTEC. These and other options are detailed below.

Current and Potential Cost

No forms of ocean energy are in widespread usage today, but some have the potential to be affordable in the future.

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Sources: Carbon Trust 1, Energy Technologies Institute 2, Helfer et al. 3, IEA et al. 4, International Renewable Energy Agency (5 and 6), Khasawneh et al. 7, Neary et al. 2016 8, Neary et al. 2014 9, Ocean Energy Systems 10, OpenEI 11, Salvatore et al. 12.

Resource Base and Environmental Concerns

The following shows production potential worldwide and in the United States of various ocean energy technologies.

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World figures are from Helfer et al. 3 and Stenzel and Wagner 13 for osmotic power, Stenzel and Wagner 13 for osmotic power with ecological constraints, IRENA 14 for tidal, Lockheed Martin 15 for OTEC, Minerals Management Service et al. 16 for marine current, and Pelc and Fujita 17 for wave. US figures are from the Electric Power Research Institute 18 for river current, Georgia Tech Research Corporation 19 for tidal stream, Lockheed Martin 15 for OTEC, the US Department of energy for wave energy in the Continental US, and the Wave Power Technologies Office 20 for overall wave potential.

All ocean energy technologies show modest lifecycle greenhouse gas impacts. Most of the impact results from the manufacturing of the materials for the power plants rather than from direct operations.

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Figures for wave from Sörensen and Naef 21, tidal current and tidal stream from Lewis et al. 22, and OTEC from Banerjee et al. 23.

Wave Power

Wave power refers to any technology that harnesses kinetic energy from ocean waves.

Wave Energy Developing Slowly
Fund Wave Energy R&D at $8.3 Billion Over 10 Years

Tidal Power

Tidal power refers to any technology that harnesses the kinetic energy of water induced by tides.

Tidal technology has faced greater-than-expected engineering challenges, with costs in the UK of 46 to 53 ¢/kWh 1. Through research and development and learning-by-doing, tidal power has been estimated to be able to reach 16 ¢ or less 1, or 10.6 ¢ 24.

Turbine blades and electromagnetic effects may harm the local environment 25. Additionally, tidal power might disrupt the local ecology by altering the flow of water 26.

We estimate that the research costs of advancing tidal power would be $8.3 billion, with the same cost and time frame as wave energy. The expected benefits of doing so would be about $2 billion, with the ultimate cost of tidal power estimated at about 10.6 ¢/kWh. Based on the limited geography for which tidal power is usable, we estimate that is has a market potential of 4% of world electricity.

The low market potential and high likely cost, even after a research program, make tidal power a poor investment.

Ocean Thermal

An ocean thermal device (OTEC) harnesses the ocean's temperature differential for electricity production or to harvest cool water for a district cooling system. OTEC may be able to supply all of the world's electricity without disrupting the temperature profile of the oceans 5.

For electricity alone, OTEC will almost certainly be expensive, with capital costs for mature technology at least $7,750/kW 27. OTEC has the potential to create useful coproducts, such as cold water for district cooling systems or for tropical agriculture 27, nutrient pumping to support open-ocean mariculture 27, or fresh water 28. The economic feasibility of OTEC may require accounting for coproducts 5, 27, 28.

Potential environmental impacts of OTEC include the release of CO₂ in quantities comparable with other renewable energy sources and the risk of the leakage of working fluids 27.

We estimate that an OTEC research program would have an expected benefit of about $1.7 billion and an expected cost of about $21 billion. The benefit is based on a possible final price of 13 ¢/kWh and a market potential of 1,200 terawatt-hours per year, as suggested by Boshell et al. 29. The cost assumes that an OTEC research program would cost the same $830 million per year that a wave research program would cost, but it would take 25 years to bring to fruition. See our analysis of research and development for more information.

The poor return of OTEC research is based on the long research time, the limited market potential, and the high ultimate cost. The economics might be somewhat improved if coproducts are taken into account.

Osmotic Power

An osmotic, or salinity-gradient, power plant harvests the potential energy in the pressure difference between fresh and salt water, where fresh water rivers meet the ocean. An osmotic power plant runs at nearly full capacity and could serve as reliable base load power. Improvements in membrane technology, driven by water desalination, have improved prospects for osmotic power in recent years. The industry expectation is that a membrane power density of 5 W/m2 is needed to produce osmotic power profitably at 7-13 ¢/kWh, and this has been achieved by several designs in the laboratory 3.

More research is needed on the environmental risks of osmotic power. Concerns include eutrophication, water temperature changes, and discharge of chemicals 3.

River Current

River current power harnesses the kinetic energy of water flowing in a river. River current differs from hydroelectric power in that no dam is used to build a reservoir or impede the flow of water. River current power poses the risk of collisions between marine animals and turbine blades, as well as electromagnetic effects, but the wildlife and ecological impact should be less than conventional hydropower 30.

Marine Current

Marine current power harnesses the kinetic energy of oceanic currents. As with river current power, marine current power poses risks from turbine collisions and electromagnetic effects 25. Additionally, it is uncertain what effect widespread usage of marine current power would have on ocean currents 16.

In 2022, a prototype ocean current capture system called Kairyu was installed off Japan 31.


  1. Carbon Trust. "Accelerating Marine Energy". July 2011. 2 3

  2. Energy Technologies Institute. "Tidal Energy: Insights into Tidal Stream energy". 2015.

  3. Helfer, F., Lemckert, C., Anissimov, Y. "Osmotic Power with Pressure Retarded Osmosis: Theory, Performance and Trends - a Review". Journal of Membrane Science 453, pp. 337-358. March 2014. 2 3 4

  4. International Energy Agency, Nuclear Energy Agency, Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development. "Projected Costs of Generating Electricity: 2015 Edition". September 2015.

  5. International Renewable Energy Agency. "Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion - Technology Brief". June 2014. 2 3

  6. International Renewable Energy Agency. "Salinity Gradient Energy - Technology Brief". June 2014.

  7. Khasawneh, Q., Tashtoush, B., Nawafleh, A., Kan’an, B. "Techno-Economic Feasibility Study of a Hypersaline Pressure-Retarded Osmosis Power Plants: Dead Sea Red Sea Conveyor". Energies. November 2018.

  8. Neary, V., Kobos, P., Jenne, D., Yu, Y. "Levelized Cost of Energy for Marine Energy Conversion (MEC) Technologies". Conference: Proposed for presentation at the EPI's 6th Annual Energy Policy Research Conference (EPRC) held September 8-9, 2016 in Santa Fe, NM, U.S.A. August 2016.

  9. Neary, V., Lawson, M., Previsic, M., Copping, A., Hallett, K., LaBonte, A., Rieks, J., Murray, D. "Methodology for Design and Economic Analysis of Marine Energy Conversion (MEC) Technologies". Conference: Proposed for presentation at the GMREC 2014 held April 14-17, 2014 in Seattle, WA. April 2014.

  10. Ocean Energy Systems. "International Levelised Cost Of Energy for Ocean Energy Technologies". An International Energy Agency technology initiative. May 2015.

  11. OpenEI. "Transparent Cost Database". Accessed May 11, 2019.

  12. Salvatore, J. et al. "Cost of Energy Technologies". World Energy Council, with Bloomberg New Energy Finance. 2013.

  13. Stenzel, P., Wagner, H. "Osmotic power plants: Potential analysis and site criteria". 3rd International Conference on Ocean Energy. October 2010. 2

  14. Kempener, R., Neumann, F. "Tidal Energy: Technology Brief". International Renewable Energy Agency. June 2014.

  15. Lockheed Martin Mission Systems & Sensors. "Ocean Thermal Extractable Energy Visualization, Final Technical Report". October 2012. 2

  16. Minerals Management Service, Renewable Energy and Alternate Use Program, U.S. Department of the Interior. "Technology White Paper on Ocean Current Energy Potential on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf". May 2006. 2

  17. Pelc, R., Fujita, R. "Renewable energy from the ocean". Marine Policy 26(6), pp. 471-479. November 2002.

  18. Electric Power Research Institute. "Assessment and Mapping of the Riverine Hydrokinetic Energy Resource in the Continental United States". 2012.

  19. Georgia Tech Research Corporation. "Assessment of Energy Production Potential from Tidal Streams in the United States, Final Project Report". June 2011.

  20. Water Power Technologies Office, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy. "Marine and Hydrokinetic Resource Assessment and Characterization". Accessed August 9, 2019.

  21. Sörensen, H, Naef, S. "Report on technical specification of reference technologies (wave and tidal power plant)". New Energy Externalities Developments for Sustainability. November 2008.

  22. Lewis, A., S. Estefen, J. Huckerby, W. Musial, T. Pontes, J. Torres-Martinez. 2011: Ocean Energy. In IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation. [O. Edenhofer, R. Pichs-Madruga, Y. Sokona, K. Seyboth, P. Matschoss, S. Kadner, T. Zwickel, P. Eickemeier, G. Hansen, S. Schlömer, C. von Stechow (eds)], Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.

  23. Banerjee, S., Duckers, L., Blanchard, R. "An overview on green house gas emission characteristics and energy evaluation of ocean energy systems from life cycle assessment and energy accounting studies". Journal of Applied and Natural Sciences 5(2), pp. 535-540. 2013.

  24. Smart, G., Noonan, M. "Tidal Stream and Wave Energy Cost Reduction and Industrial Benefit". CATAPULT: Offshore Renewable Energy. April 2018.

  25. Baring-Gould, E., Christol, C., LiVecchi, A., Kramer, S., West, A. "A Review of the Environmental Impacts for Marine and Hydrokinetic Projects to Inform Regulatory Permitting: Summary Findings from the 2015 Workshop on Marine and Hydrokinetic Technologies, Washington, D.C.". National Renewable Energy Laboratory. July 2016. 2

  26. Wolf, J., Walkington, I., Holt, J., Burrows, R. "Environmental impacts of tidal power schemes". Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Maritime Engineering 162(4), pp. 165-177. 2009.

  27. Masutani, S., Takahashi, P. "Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion". From Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, J.G. Webster, ed., John Wiley & Sons, Vol 19, pp. 93-103. 1999. 2 3 4 5

  28. Vega, L.A. "Economics of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC): An Update". Offshore Technology Conference 2010, OTC 21016, Houston, Texas, 3-6 May. 2

  29. Boshell, F., Roesch, R., Salgado, A., Hecke, J. "Unlocking the potential of Ocean Energy: from megawatts to gigawatts". EnergyPost.eu. June 2020.

  30. Electric Power Research Institute. "Fish Passage Through Turbines: Application of Conventional Hydropower Data to Hydrokinetic Technologies". Report by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), pp. 56. 2011.

  31. Yokoyama, E. "Giant Deep Ocean Turbine Trial Offers Hope of Endless Green Power". May 2022.