In comparing several methods of transporting oil and natural gas, we find that pipelines generally perform better than trucking, shipping, or train transportation.
For overland transportation of oil, pipelines are generally the safest, cleanest, and cheapest 1 mode of transportation available.
The two main methods of transporting natural gas are by pipeline and by shipping in the form of liquified natural gas (LNG). These methods consume energy, as a share of the gas being transported, as follows.
of America 3 for pipelines, Nagi et al. 4 for LNG.
Concerns are raised that leakage of methane from natural gas pipelines could reduce or negate the greenhouse gas reduction benefit over coal. The International Energy Agency 5 estimates that natural gas is responsible for 36.7 million tons of methane emissions annually as of 2022. Based on a 100 year global warming potential of methane from 28-36 6, methane emissions are the equivalent of 1.0 to 1.3 billion tons of CO2, or about 2.5-3% of world emissions.
Following, we report several estimates of the portion of natural gas that leaks from pipelines. Alverez et al. 7 estimate that at a leakage rate above 3.2%, natural gas power plants will exhibit greater lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions than coal power plants over at least some period of time.
al. 9, Mitchell et al. 10, Chen et al. 11.
A difficulty in producing a reliable estimate of methane leakage is that leakage rates vary widely by pipeline, with a small number showing vastly greater leakage than most others 12. For this reason, a large sample is needed to produce a reliable estimate, and the need is underscored to control leakage on outlying infrastructure. Events, such as the 2022 explosions at the Nordstream gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea, are also drivers of methane emissions 13.
Under a scenario widespread carbon capture, whether from industrial point sources or from the atmosphere, it will be necessary to transport large volumes of carbon dioxide, and this is most likely to be done by pipeline 14. As of 2023, the United States CO2 pipeline network extended 5385 miles and was sufficient to carry 80 million tons of CO2 annually 15, or a bit over 1% of U.S. total emissions. The total length of the American CO2 pipeline network surpassed 5000 miles in 2013 and has remained mostly flat since then 16. For carbon capture and use or sequestration to play a major role in decarbonizing the U.S. economy, the network must expand considerably.
On February 22, 2020, a CO2 pipeline burst near the town of Satartia, Mississippi, causing 200 evaculations, 45 hospitalizations, and 0 fatalities 18. The prevailing trend in the years before 2023 has been around 5-6 incidents per year on average, or just over one incident per thousand miles of pipeline per year 19. From 2004 to 2021, there were $5.87 million of damages from CO2 pipeline accidents, over half of which occured in the Satartia incident 19.
The leakage rate, including both unintentional and intentional releases, is about 0.003% of the CO2 transported 16.
The difficulty in permitting CO2 pipelines has prompted proposals for the federal government to take control over the permitting process 20. The difficulty has also spurred interest in rail as an alternative means of transportation, especially for smaller volumes over a shorter distance 21.
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